Who is Pat Murphy?

Actually, there are two Pat Murphys: Pat Murphy, the author of Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell and a number of other science fiction novels and books about science, and Pat Murphy, a character in Adventures in Time and Space with Max Merriwell. This web site is the creation of the second Pat Murphy, the fictional character.

How can you tell the two Pat Murphys apart?

It can be tough sometimes. They share many traits. Both are happy to drink a flaming rum monkey or chat about the science fictional possibilities of quantum mechanics and worm holes.

Currently, the fictional Pat Murphy has blue hair and the author Pat Murphy is sometimes a blonde , sometimes a red-head, and sometimes a brunette. But that's subject to change.

Probably the quickest way to tell them apart is to invite them to play a game of pool. Both Pat Murphys enjoy the game, but the author Pat Murphy is remarkably bad at it. Her strategy when playing 8 ball, she says, is to leave as many balls on the table as possible, to get in her opponent's way.

The fictional Pat Murphy, on the other hand, wins at pool with the consistency of a fictional character (or of a woman who has spent far too much time in sleazy bars).

Just to confuse matters further, both Pat Murphys share traits with Mary Maxwell, the author of Wild Angel and a pseudonym of the author Pat Murphy. Go figure.

If you really want to know, you can find out more about Max Merriwell, Mary Maxwell, and Pat Murphy's relationship to them.


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